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7th December 2020

CSER More Important Than Ever

There will undoubtedly be a few lasting societal impacts of the Covid pandemic. Where we work, how we work, commuting, traditional retail and global travel are all likely to see significant changes, at least for the foreseeable future, if not for...

10th December 2019

When Innovation Becomes Impossible

I am increasingly of the opinion that businesses get to a point whereby innovation becomes impossible. They may possess the wish and willingness to update, adapt and change systems but when it comes to the execution of change, they meet with too...

8th November 2019

Marketing – It’s a Friday Thing

Emma once worked with a Director who famously wore a special pair of socks when it was ‘marketing day’. As a finance professional, his everyday socks were black, plain – you may even say austere. His marketing socks however, were (by his own...

17th June 2019

Data based decisions

Like every other industry, the marketing sector is awash with data. In fact, we have access to so much personal and demographic data now that John Wanamaker’s assertion that half of his marketing budget was wasted should no longer hold water. With...

5th May 2019

Where’s The Fold Gone?

Those of us old enough to remember the first websites will know that the design of the home page of a site finds its roots, not in the internet age as one might expect, but actually in the newspaper industry. The top half of the home page of a...

4th December 2018

La Decima

La Decima - Ten Years... How did that happen? I try and write one of these each year around our anniversary, not least of all because it makes me stop and review the year and acknowledge what we’ve achieved. But this year is special, really...

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