Emma has more than 25 years’ business marketing experience, gained through agency and client-side roles. In this time she has built a broad-base of marcomms skills and has worked with companies of all sizes from UK based organisations (including English Heritage and the National Trust) and SMEs to firms with international reach including The Fry Group, Adobe and McAfee. Her agency experience saw her running pan-European PR campaigns for UK and US clients, rising from Account Executive to Account Director.
In her client roles Emma co-ordinated design, PR and marcomms agencies, whilst managing internal staff to ensure that marketing plans delivered against objectives. Having worked at every level of the marketing communications function, Emma is a creative and thought-provoking PR and marcomms professional who can blend new mediums, such as social media and influencer marketing, with tried and tested methods to ensure maximum impact. Emma holds a BA in Business Studies with a specialism in Marketing Communications and International Marketing.
What Emma Cooper’s LinkedIn profile doesn’t say:
What would I listen to all day long
Clair de Lune by Debussy
Book that I always reach for when not reading something new
A Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons
Place I would rather be than here
Valletta, Malta
Film that works whatever the mood
If I weren’t doing this, I would be
Running a bookshop with comfy chairs, homemade cakes and the option to stay all day!